
Twistshake Comfort Blanket Lion

Twistshake comfort blanket shaped like a lion both gives courage and brings calm to small children who need a little extra comfort or a soft friend. Patrik the Lion is brave, kind and always there when you need him!
25.00 USD
20.00 USD


Who wouldn’t want to be comforted by a brave and kind lion when things get just a little hard? Or even simply to cuddle with when you’re tired and off to bed? Patrik the Lion is the ruler of the savannah and wants nothing more than to become your little darlings new best friend. With his cunning and ingenuity he always manages to find new tricks to comfort and help, and he will not give up until he has made your child calm and secure. In addition, he is super soft, which makes wiping away sad tears just that little bit more comfortable. His long arms and soft paws are perfect for quiet, cosy moments. Twistshake comfort blanket shaped like a lion is made of a quality velour fabric in a beautiful golden brown hue. The material is completely flame resistant and contains no flame retardants, so the fabric is as gentle and safe as possible. There is space on the label to write the child’s name and telephone number should Patrik the Lion ever be left at the playground or out on an excursion. Furthermore, all of Patrik’s small details are securely fastened so that there is no risk of them being torn off or removed by the child. Twistshake comfort blankets are suitable for both baby and slightly older children and are approved and CE marked according to EN71.
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